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The AVID Scholar

AP/Honors Course

Each student is expected to enroll in at least one AP/honors course. This should be a class that you either have great interest in, are strong in, or both.

We do not want to set you up for failure. We use test scores and student interest to help place students in the correct course of rigor.


The rigor and exposure to higher level thinking will:

  • Academically prepare you for the rigor experienced in college
  • Challenge you and teach you how to push through discomfort while being supported and encouraged
  • Prepare you for state testing and college exam testing

Be Involved

Find one club or activity to get involved with. Hickman has over 130 clubs and activities and if you can't find one that interest you, you can start your own.


Students who are involved in their school:

  • have an increased sense of engagement or belonging
  • have better attendance more likely to have aspirations for continuing education after high school

Good Attendance

Students must keep a 90% attendance or higher. The A+ scholarship requires students to have 95% attendance and we strive for our students to keep this attendance rate.


Students who attend school regularly

  • Achieve at higher levels
  • Have higher teacher effectiveness in student learning

Good GPA

Many colleges accept students that hold a good GPA throughout high school. Our students are expected to hold a 2.5 GPA. We know that GPA is not everything but a piece of the process.


  • GPA is a good indicator of what type of student he or she is.
  • Opens opportunities with scholarships and class choices
  • A+ required students to have 2.5 GPA to receive the A+ Scholarship


Students should have good rapport with teachers and peers

Creating good impressions and interactions with others is important in life

Contribute positively to the AVID family