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Principal Welcome


Our Hickman community brings their talents, hopes, and dreams to school daily. We wear purple with pride and welcome new members to our community with warmth and kindness. Our purple family supports and believes in each other.

Educators in this building believe in the importance of relationships, the value of professional learning teams, the benefits of giving descriptive learning feedback, and the essential quality of being reflective practitioners.

My goal as your principal is to remove barriers, build on strengths, push forward progress, and cultivate an environment where we all can be the best version of ourselves.

Our incredible staff, the very best part of HHS, is here to welcome you, or to welcome you back, to Hickman High School this fall. I am honored to be a part of that staff as I serve as your principal for what should be an exciting 2023-24 school year.

Don’t hesitate to contact me at with needs, concerns, and ideas to constructively address the challenges inevitable in a community of 2000+ people.

Strawberry Shortcake Gooseberry Pie,

Ms. Grupe

Principal, Hickman High School