Mission Statement:
Hickman High School is a positive, flexible, reflective, and coachable community. We ensure every scholar creates and executes a successful post-secondary plan.
Vision Statement:
Hickman High School is committed to doing whatever it takes to create a community where everyone is present, connected, and successful.
Just Cause Statement: Students will develop and execute an individualized post-secondary plan to meet life’s opportunities and challenges.
Missouri Professional Learning Communities Exemplary School
Hickman High School has been named a Professional Learning Communities Exemplary School by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The school is recognized for its outstanding performance in promoting collaborative learning and effectively using data to increase student achievement. Hickman was recognized during the state's Powerful Learning Conference on January 25-26, 2016. Professional Learning Communities is a process for schools to use to develop a comprehensive level of support for all students. This support system promotes school teachers and staff working together to identify essential learning, creating common assessments to support the continued success of each student. The continual screening and monitoring process of students is systematic throughout the school year. It provides interventions that are timely and specific and applied to students when needed and appropriate for each student. Hickman participated in a thorough evaluation and selection process to achieve this honor. The process included meeting achievement performance growth benchmarks set by the state, demonstrating evidence of implementation of the PLC concepts, and an on-site evaluation.